The Ultimate Guide To Road Safety Equipment

Posted in Parking Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Traffic Safety on August 03, 2023
Author: Sofia Chifari

In the world of traffic safety, having the right equipment is crucial to ensure the safety of both motorists and pedestrians. Road safety equipment effectively manages traffic, guiding drivers, and preventing accidents. This comprehensive blog will explore some essential traffic safety products, including arch-looper delineator posts, traffic safety cones, Xtendit plastic connector gates, and speed limit traffic signs. Additionally, we will outline the guidelines set by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for each of these essential safety tools.

Importance of Following MUTCD Guidelines

Regarding road safety and traffic management, the importance of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) guidelines cannot be overstated. The MUTCD is a critical document issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the United States that sets the standards and guidelines for all traffic control devices used on public roads. Here are the reasons why the MUTCD guidelines are essential. Traffic control devices are standardized nationwide, promoting safer and more predictable driving conditions. Following these guidelines is not only a requirement but also logical as Traffic safety equipment conveys crucial information clearly, from speed limits to proper traffic flow guidance. Properly placed signs reduce confusion and minimize accidents caused by unfamiliar markings. Following MUTCD guidelines ensures adherence to traffic laws and avoids liabilities. Compliance provides liability protection as road authorities and transportation agencies require adherence to these set guidelines. MUTCD reflects industry and DOT standards, incorporating the latest research in traffic safety. Regular updates integrate technological advancements and address evolving traffic conditions. Well-designed devices optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and benefiting drivers and pedestrians.

Delineator Posts

Delineator posts are indispensable tools for directing traffic flow and providing clear visual cues to drivers. They are flexible, durable, and highly visible, making them ideal for use in various traffic management scenarios. The MUTCD recommends that posts must be made from high-impact materials with retroreflective properties to enhance visibility during low-light conditions. Omni Flex 48-inch tubular traffic delineator posts are often installed on roadsides, medians, and temporary traffic control zones to guide drivers safely through construction or maintenance areas.

Traffic Safety Cones

Traffic safety cones are perhaps the most recognizable and widely used traffic control devices. Their bright colors and reflective stripes make them highly visible during the day and at night. According to the MUTCD, traffic cones should meet specific height and weight requirements for different applications. 18″ traffic cones are approved for legal use on public roads. 28″ traffic cones are designed for use on roadways where speed is greater than 45 mph. According to the MUTCD, the most common traffic cone sizes used on highways and roadways are a height of 18 to 28 inches. However, other sizes can be used depending on state and local regulations. For instance, JBC traffic cones’ are approved to be used within the state of Florida and follow the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) state guidelines. They are also available in varying sizes to cater to different traffic management needs. The JBC FDOT-approved traffic cone has to be 36'', weigh 12 pounds, and have both 6-inch and 4-inch double reflective collars. The cones are made of flexible, durable materials that can withstand vehicle impacts and are transported easily. These versatile devices mark lane closures, direct traffic during events, and delineate work zones.

Movit Plastic Crowd Control Barricades

Following MUCTD guidelines, crowd control barricades should be designed and constructed to withstand the intended use and environment. Movit Plastic Crowd Control Barricades are made of durable and impact-resistant plastic materials that can withstand crowd pressure and intense weather conditions. If the barricades are intended for use in nighttime or low-light conditions, they should have reflective materials or be equipped with retroreflective sheeting to enhance visibility. While the MUTCD primarily addresses barricades used on public roadways, similar principles can apply to crowd control barricades. Movit barricades are designed to interlock with each other to create a continuous barrier. This interlocking feature helps enhance stability and prevents barricades from easily being knocked over or moved. Proper placement of crowd control barricades is crucial for effective crowd management and safety. They should be strategically placed to direct pedestrian flow, prevent access to restricted areas, and maintain safe distances in crowded situations. While the MUTCD provides national guidelines, local authorities may have specific requirements for crowd control barricades. It's essential to comply with any applicable local regulations and obtain necessary permits for their use.

Speed Limit Traffic Signs

Speed limit traffic signs are essential for controlling vehicle speeds and promoting road safety. The MUTCD provides specific guidelines for the design, placement, and sign size to ensure consistency and effectiveness. These signs display the maximum speed limit allowed on a particular road segment, helping drivers maintain safe speeds and reduce the risk of accidents. For the sign design according to MUTCD, speed limit traffic signs should have a rectangular shape with a white background and a bold black legend indicating the maximum speed limit in miles per hour (mph). The speed limit numbers are typically displayed in black and should be easily legible. The speed limit numbers on the sign should be displayed in whole numbers, typically in multiples of five (e.g., 25 mph, 30 mph, 35 mph, etc.). All traffic signs must have retroreflective materials, such as Engineer grade, High-Intensity Grade, and Diamond Grade, ensuring high visibility during both day and night. For placement, speed limit signs should be placed on the right side of the road, facing the approaching traffic. The height of the sign should be between 5 and 7 feet above the ground and should be spaced appropriately to provide drivers with adequate time to adjust their speed. The recommended spacing may vary based on the road type, speed limit, and surrounding conditions. It is essential to adhere to the MUTCD guidelines when designing, placing, and using speed limit traffic signs to ensure consistency, visibility, and effectiveness in regulating vehicle speeds and promoting road safety. These guidelines aim to create safe and predictable driving conditions for all road users.

High-visibility Vests

The guidelines for personal protective equipment, including high-visibility vests, are typically determined by relevant industry standards and regulations. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency responsible for establishing and enforcing workplace safety regulations, including guidelines for personal protective equipment. The ANSI/ISEA 107 standard, developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), is a widely recognized standard for high-visibility safety apparel, including vests. This standard specifies the requirements for design, performance, and materials for various classes of high-visibility apparel, such as GloWear Class 3 two-tone hi-vis vests, which offer the highest level of visibility. When selecting and using any high-visibility safety garment, it's essential to adhere to the ANSI/ISEA 107 standard and any applicable OSHA regulations to ensure the safety and visibility of workers in hazardous environments.


Implementing proper road safety equipment is paramount for ensuring the safety and efficiency of traffic management. Arch-looper delineator posts, traffic safety cones, Xtendit plastic connector gates, and speed limit traffic signs are just a few examples of the essential traffic safety products that can significantly contribute to accident prevention and smoother traffic flow. Always adhere to the guidelines laid out by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) when selecting and installing road safety equipment and MUTCD Traffic Safety Signs. Proper compliance with these guidelines ensures consistency, enhances visibility, and saves lives on the roads. When working in outdoor environments, it is essential to prioritize high-quality, compliant products that meet industry standards and regulations. By offering reliable and effective traffic safety equipment, your company can play a crucial role in promoting safer roads and fostering a culture of responsible driving for a better and more secure future.

If you don’t have the traffic control equipment you need to be prepared for any emergency, check out our extensive inventory or contact us at TrafficConesforLess. We offer the highest quality safety equipment and the industry’s most reasonable pricing. Not sure what you need? Call us at 888-388-0180